Thursday, May 31, 2012

Donation Spotlight

We would like to say a huge thank you to the children's ministry at Whitehall Baptist Church! Through a VERY successful penny drive, the children of Whitehall Baptist were able to raise enough money to buy the shelter a new vacuum cleaner AND restock our laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, diapers, wipes, and pull ups! They also bought several new rugs for the shelter! 

We couldn't do what we do here without the support of the community, and it's amazing to see children at such a young age supporting our mission!  Thanks so much, Whitehall Children's Ministries!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gardening fun!

As summer begins, we're so grateful to PLACE (promoting local agriculture and cultural experiences) for their willingness to work with our residents on planting, keeping up, and harvesting garden spaces on our properties! This week they came and weeded our beds and helped the kids plant herbs and beans! 

If you're interested in volunteering with this group, they'll be working at the shelter on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 and on Saturday mornings at 8:00. Feel free to email if you have other questions!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Volunteering

We've got a great group this summer that is going to work with our children on improving our gardens and planting fresh vegetables for our residents. This group will be coming a couple of times a week throughout the summer to work in the garden. They haven't gotten their schedule worked out completely, but we would love to go ahead and find out who all is interested in volunteering with this program!

Saturday, May 12 will be the first work day. If  you're interested in participating, please email for more information. We would love to have you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sign up for the Patch e-newsletter and help AAHS receive a donation!

Originally Posted in the Buckhead Patch

Help a Nonprofit! Sign Up for the Patch e-Newsletter

Patch employees are active volunteers in our communities, stepping away from our laptops to give back during our Give 5 days. Our next volunteer day is May 10, and we decided to give more than our time this month. We're donating $3,000 to local charities.

Patch Gives Back!

Thank you for supporting your community! By signing up to receive the Patch e-newsletter for your area, you'll be able to keep up with news and events in your community, and you're helping your favorite good cause qualify to earn a donation from Patch. As part of our effort to give back, Patch has set aside $3,000 to support good causes in our communities. All you need to do is to enter your email address, your ZIP code (so we can sign you up for the right newsletter) and the name of the nonprofit that you want to support. Yes, it's that easy! You have until 5 p.m. on May 9 to enter. And for those of you who love the legal fine print, here it is: Once a non-profit has been mentioned by 25 different Patch users during the newsletter sign-up process, Patch will donate $1.00 to that non-profit for each unique, valid email address that signs up for the Patch newsletter. For a non-profit to be eligible to receive the donation, they must be a non-political, registered 501(c)3 organization in good standing and be approved by Patch. The maximum amount that will be donated to all non-profits combined is $3,000.
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