Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer Newsletter

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Check out our newest way to donate to the shelter!

Volunteer with AAHS!
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Our weekly and monthly volunteers are an integral part of our program. Without your contributions of time and service, we would not be able to serve families in need. We have opportunities available to provide meals, child care, tutoring, gardening, and mentoring for residents and their children. Check out our opportunities here!

Become a Harvest for the Homeless Sponsor!
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Almost HALF of our income comes from support for our community and over 75% of funding is used for direct services to clients. 

Our loyal volunteers and in-kind donors
American Pest Control,Ashford Church, Athens Academy, Athens Area Association of Realtors, Athens Area Home Builders Association, Athens Technology Partners,  Charter Communications, Classic City Angelz, CC of Israel, Devotion Farms,  First AME Church, Hill Chapel Church, New Grove Baptist Church, Sentry Self Storage, Southern Distinction, Stanfield Air,  Susan LaCount, Timothy Baptist Church, University of Georgia Students, Winterville First Baptist, 
Young Harris UMC

Thank you to our Shelter Providers
Lew and JoBeth Allen, Hortense Bates, Upshaw Bentley, Tamara Bowman, Elizabeth Bryant, Samanta Carvalho, Charlsie Churchwell, E. Scott Coulter, Larry B. Dendy, Andrea Dennis, Emily Carr and Dale Hoyt, Will and Tommie Farmer, Paul Heald, Hue and Carole Henry, John and Ruth Hocking, Thomas P. Holland, Patrick and Stephanie Jones, James and Nancy Kissane, Margaret Leary, Eric Loffland, Bryan and Alison McCullick, Julia A. Nathanson, Michael Odom, Stanley and Maxine Peaks, Kathy Prescott, Lucy W. Rainey, Jeffrey and Jane Rattray, Martha Schimmel, Paula J. Schwanenflugel and William B Whitman, Catherine and Allen Seymour, Joel Siebentritt and Carter Vest, Nancy Sims, Tim Smalley, Brad and Jane Smith, Patrick Snead, Charlton Stewart, Alice Vernon, Eleanor Walker, Trixie Ware, Jennifer and John Wares, Natalie Wellman, Juergen Wiegel

Get your homeless help card each semester and support us by shopping around town!
Dear Friends and Family of AAHS,

Wow what a summer and what a year it’s been!  Our shelter is packed, our employment program is full, our new Going Home program already has a wait list and we’ve just launched a brand new program on Financial Literacy!  We’ve been quite busy over here, and it shows.  In the past year we have provided services to roughly 400 people, including 54 families with 116 children.  While the need remains great, we feel good about providing programming that supports these families in becoming independent.  

AAHS is growing.  As we grow, so does our positive impact on the community.  Please take a moment to check out our income and expense percentages below. Almost 40% of our budget is dependent on community donations.  And importantly – over 75% of our output goes directly into client services.  When you contribute, you are a direct part of our community impact.

Speaking of which, we are gearing up for our 10th annual Harvest for the Homeless fundraiser this November!  It promises to be the most fun yet – we will be celebrating at the beautiful new Atrium in the Classic Center, with the Athens Swing Band.  As always we’ll have a wonderfully eclectic silent auction and the best raffle in Athens – win 52 gift certificates to local restaurants and dine out weekly for an entire year!  What could be better in a town with our dining scene?

Please come out and dance, laugh and celebrate with us at Harvest.  I look forward to seeing you there, and thanking you in person for being a part of the AAHS family.

Shea Post
Executive Director

Check in with our Programs

JobTREC: Over the last year our JobTREC program provided supportive employment services and case management to over 223 individuals. 49% of clients obtained employment while in JobTREC (beating the HUD benchmark).

Almost Home: Over the last year AAHS has provided housing and assistance to 19 mothers and 38 children through our Almost Hometransitional housing program.  87% of these families have maintained their housing six months out.

Going Home: Since beginning in August of 2012 Going Home rapid re-housing has provided assistance to 40 families: 40 mothers, 2 fathers, and 78 children.  64% of families increased their income while in the program, and 79% have maintained stable housing after exiting. 

Financial LiteracyAAHS is excited to announce a new financial education program! Clients who are referred from AAHS programs and community partners receive intensive financial literacy training and one on one case management for ten weeks. These sessions provide clients with budgeting, bank accounts, credit checks, and smart spending skills. 

Become a Shelter Provider!
·  Visit to participate through PayPal  OR
·  Contact your bank to have a direct deposit sent each month OR
·  Fill out and return the form below. 
YES! I want to be a Shelter Provider! 
I authorize my bank to transfer each month the amount selected:
$5         $10       $15       $20       $25       Other_____
Please write a check for your first shelter provider gift.
Beginning the 2nd month, your bank will receive notice to charge your account
Name:               ________________________________________
Address:            ________________________________________
City, State, Zip:  ________________________________________

My authorization to charge my account at my bank shall be the same as if I had personally signed a check to AAHS. This authorization shall remain in effect until I notify my bank or AAHS in writing that I wish to end this agreement and my bank or AAHS has had reasonable time to act on it, or until my bank or AAHS has sent me ten days written notice that they will end this agreement. A record of each charge will be included in my regular bank statement and will serve as my receipt.

cut out and return with check to 620 Barber Street, Athens, GA 30601

Glimpses from the summer at AAHS
We've had a blast with some amazing volunteers this summer!

Our first ever trivia fundraiser was a great success!  20 teams and 200 people raised close to $6,000 for our childcare costs, plus we had a ton of fun with great prizes!  Thank you, Athens!

The Athens Area Homeless Shelter, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization serving homeless individuals and families in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. Our mission is to provide collaborative, comprehensive services to homeless individuals and families working toward sustainable independence.


Thursday, August 8, 2013