Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spring updates!


Dear Friends and Family of AAHS,

Can you believe that summertime is right around the corner?  We can't!  School is out next month and things get a little nutty around the shelter, with kids of all ages running about!

Kick off your summer with some fun and some new clothes, all while helping our kids here at AAHS have a great summer too!  What could be better?  See below for details.

Shea Post
Executive Director
Other spring happenings at AAHS

May 3 is Belk's annual charity sale - purchase a $5 ticket at AAHS to shop 
store-wide sales for 20-70% off Saturday morning! 
Contact tickets@helpathenshomeless.org for more information.

Going Home Kits
Our newest donation opportunity is to help put together furniture kits for our families moving into the Going Home program. We're hoping to turn empty rooms into homes, but can't do it without your help! Learn more about Going Home kits here:

Special thanks to the 2013-2014 LEAD Athens team and to Jackson EMC for helping us start this project.

Summers are slow volunteer months here at the shelter, and we need your help to provide babysitters for our evening programs and meals for our shelter 
throughout the summer! If you have a small group, family group, office, or other group of people that would like to get together and provide a meal or service opportunity at AAHS, please contact volunteer@helpathenshomeless.org or check out our volunteer opportunities here: