What tops a beautiful Autumn afternoon outside with good friends, good beer and a good cause? Come drink some beers and VOTE FOR THE AAHS BREW at Casktopia! We're adding some of our kiddos' favorite flavors to our cask of Hopsecutioner: pumpkin, cinnamon and vanilla. Then we're adding a little adult spice with some pepper heat!

Friends and Family of AAHS,
What an Autumn it's turning into! Here at AAHS we have already provided shelter, housing, employment services and financial education to over 400 men, women and children this year. We've a packed shelter, we're supporting families all over town getting back on their feet in apartments, we've been holding financial literacy workshops and classes and one on one counseling, providing employment assistance - it's been busy down on Barber Street, to say the least.
We can't do it without our community, without your support. We're gearing up for our annual fundraiser, Harvest for the Homeless, and kicked it off last month with a fantastic (and free) magic show! The show marked the start of our countdown to the Culinary Catchall Raffle - win 52 gift certificates to local restaurants and dine out free for a year! Thanks so much to Mr. Kevin O'Neil (not only the most fun magician in town but also our Board Chair Extraordinaire) for putting together such a great show, and thanks to Ted's Most Best for hosting us. Most of all - thank you to everyone who came out to laugh and have a great time - it was a packed patio and we could hardly keep up with raffle sales! What a great start.
Next up in our Harvest celebration is Casktopia at Terrapin Brewery! What could be better than an Autumn day outside with good friends, good beer and a good cause? Bring your friends, have some laughs and VOTE FOR THE AAHS BREW! If we're elected crowd favorite we have a chance to win money that will go directly into programming for the kiddos at the shelter. And in that spirit, we picked some of their favorite flavors to add to the brew - pumpkin and cinnamon and vanilla (and then a little adult spice) - a true harvest celebration! And don't worry - you can get your Culinary Catchall raffle tickets at the event.
Finally, our Harvest party itself is Friday, November 14th - mark your calendars now! It promises to be even more fun than last year, with the Classic City Swing Band, dancing, cocktails, wine tastings, food, auction, raffle drawing - - it's going to be a great night and we sure hope to see you there. All proceeds, of course, go directly into our programming. An evening of fun to support positive change in your community? Hard to top.
Thank you so much, Athens, for supporting our work. You make a difference.
Shea Post
Executive Director
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