2011 Was a great year for Athens Area Homeless Shelter!
It was the 25th anniversary of programming for the shelter
Several programs were restructured and created and Shea Post became executive director of the shelter
Volunteer groups brought dinners, ran programs for residents and their children, and helped with shelter maintenance and upkeep.
Our Website, Twitter, Facebook, and Blog were re-vamped and updated to get news and events to you faster and more effectively!
Donations, grants, and fundraisers provided Christmas gift cards for all residents, collected over 600 winter coats for the Athens community, and funded a great deal of shelter programming and living expenses for residents including high efficiency washers and dryers.
So what all do we have to look forward to in 2012?
A new location for JobTREC

Continued participation with the Northeast Georgia Homeless Coallition, Athens Resource Center for the Homeless planning, Georgia Shares, HandsOn Northeast Georgia, UGA student organizations, and local religious and community organizations

Increased programming for residents including skills classes for moms and activities for kids

Lots of work on the shelter!
Join us for this exciting year! To volunteer, donate, or just learn about the shelter visit www.helpathenshomeless.org or email volunteer@helpathenshomeless.org
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